
How to Enable JavaScript ?

This site is best viewed if you enable JavaScript. Without this you cannot see our special features.
Below are instructions how to turn on Javascript.

To Enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer:

Click the "Tools" drop down menu, then select "Internet Options."
Select the "Security" tab.
Click the "Custom Level" button.
Do either 1 or 2 below:

Change the "Reset Custom Settings" drop down menu to "Medium, Medium-low, or Low" and click "OK".
Scroll down to the "Microsoft VM" & "Java Permissions" section and select the radio button next to any safety level or select "Custom", and click "OK."

To Enable JavaScript in Netscape:

Click the "Edit" drop down menu, then select "Preferences."
Select the "Advanced" category on the left hand side of the preferences window.
Check mark the box next to "Enable JavaSscript".
Finally, Click "OK".

To Enable JavaScript in AOL:

Click on your START menu in the lower left corner, then choose "Control Panel".
Click on "Internet Options."
Then follow the instructions for Internet Explorer above.

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