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  1. Testing sites with OCR like this one : http://members.catalinacruz.com/private/ (8 replies)
  2. Charon v0.5.4 (+ update) + Triton v2.1 Released - General Discussion (20 replies)
  3. Spoofing : How to use Spoofs? what does t=r mean tar= ref= Spoof Question (4 replies)
  4. using a detected cracked combo, website says they are going to report me to my ISP ? (5 replies)
  5. Z-Leecher version 1.0.5 release - General Discussion (3 replies)
  6. Licence for meanbitches.com DRM Protected WMA / WMV Video Files ? (6 replies)
  7. Gaining access to adult sites that use paypal as their billing processer ? (9 replies)
  8. What do you use to capture video that uses MMS Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) (8 replies)
  9. LB-69.com i don't want to learn or read - just want a pass to a site - BANNED! (20 replies)
  10. i want to jack off now, but I am not getting working passes / combos fast enough ! (5 replies)
  11. Spoofing : Discussion about using RefSpoof with FireFox 1.5.1 (5 replies)
  12. Color Climax (18 replies)
  13. Proxy question 4 experienced best program 2 use 4 proxies + where 2 download - manual (7 replies)
  14. Need help finding a good Bondage wordlist (edit by xpx578: a funny thread to read) (7 replies)
  15. Windows IE6 : cant load a url with user / pass username : password included in URL ? (1 replies)
  16. Quick tips for Quick help in DOSI (Using Common Sense) (5 replies)
  17. Wordlists Question : how to build the most accurate word list combolist / combolists (3 replies)
  18. What's this? (1 replies)
  19. Proxies : Proxy Testing doubts ... i am confused help me !!! (3 replies)
  20. Have you ever gotten any results using Triton ? (3 replies)
  21. This could have been a good thread but as he said about himself he's "sucha retard" (6 replies)
  22. C-Force Proxyjudge Problem - does not work with non standard Ports (4 replies)
  23. how do I download wmv files on MAC? Macintosh / Apple (4 replies)
  24. StAPH what steps to get good wordlist combos & why are CCBILL combo list STUPID? (14 replies)
  25. Wordlists / combolists : removing duplicate combos from my word lists ? (2 replies)
  26. PlanetLab Proxies - CoDeeN Proxy Filter List (1 replies)
  27. Tested sites and got hits, but the combos don't work - passwords not working ! (1 replies)
  28. can't install JTR - john the ripper installation problems (8 replies)
  29. While using an anonymizer - Members Sites kill my working pass right away -Why? (9 replies)
  30. Proxy List Question : How often should I recheck my proxies ? (7 replies)
  31. AccessDiver version 4.210 --> Problem using Azenv Scripts? (2 replies)
  32. What programs should i use for form based login sites ? (2 replies)
  33. I was eventually banned for the 6th time cuz i was just too goofy to be here at 3xhq (9 replies)
  34. Using Z-Leecher on this Forum - will I get in trouble ? (5 replies)
  35. Where can I find StAPH and athena tutorials ? (4 replies)
  36. Should I use anonymity software like ghostsurf to browse members sites anonymously ? (3 replies)
  37. Frustration with learning to test - testing / bruteforcing sites Discussion (13 replies)
  38. Charon : after testing about 10 proxies it just gives me timeouts for the rest (9 replies)
  39. I had some dupe combos in my list but some dupes were hits and others were not. why? (4 replies)
  40. Spoofing : What Spoof Software should i use with Firefox ? should i spoof w/a proxy ? (3 replies)
  41. Tired of the Proxy crisis? I posted 16,384 in the dump forum!! (14 replies)
  42. AccessDiver 4.190 unbundled version? (1 replies)
  43. Proxy Lists : Having trouble finding and keeping good proxies - any suggestions ? (6 replies)
  44. Accessing .htpasswd when .htaccess contains " Allow From < IP ADDRESS > ? (9 replies)
  45. Google free proxy! translate english to english to bypass local restrictions (2 replies)
  46. Can you recommend sites that are easy to test ? + what do i need to do to learn ? (4 replies)
  47. Answers to Proxy Questions from a confused n00b (4 replies)
  48. c-force testing list of multiple sites ? batch option ? (3 replies)
  49. HELP : APL and Proxyrama aren't working for me anymore ? (2 replies)
  50. C-Force and Lightspeed sites " No protection found " ? (6 replies)
  51. Why is the 250,000 combo wordlist missing from the dump forum ? (3 replies)
  52. Spoof Question : Help for spoofing with Safari on MAC / Macintosh / Apple (5 replies)
  53. C-Force / Proxy Judge : How to tell if proxyjudge works + load & find proxy-judges ? (5 replies)
  54. how do i catch / Capture / download quicktime Mov streaming video files? (8 replies)
  55. AccessDiver version 4.190 release - General Discussion (9 replies)
  56. ISP banning you for trying to hack because you did not use proxies? - Proxy (5 replies)
  57. StAPH - Athena - Combo Leeching - Question about " reposts " (7 replies)
  58. Renamed Thread: misconceptions about billing companies and site security (4 replies)
  59. AccessDiver v4.180 discussion and phoning home issues (14 replies)
  60. Spoofing : a window pops up that says "you are an idiot." (2 replies)
  61. AccessDiver returns FAKE weak logins when testing Shemale-club.com -OCR security code (2 replies)
  62. Proxy Question : Why is it getting harder to find and keep good proxies lately ? (5 replies)
  63. Questions about VirtualXS Billing company / VXS Bill (3 replies)
  64. Proxy Testing Question: Some proxies die fast - within minutes after they tested good (3 replies)
  65. c-force thinks basic auth (popup) is a form + Run-time error"7": Out of memory (15 replies)
  66. Proxy & wordlists : Exactly how many proxies and combos should I be using ? (7 replies)
  67. Sapphicerotica - sapphicerotica.com - Discussion - No New topics - REPLY HERE ! (11 replies)
  68. I just wanted to make a request in DOSI and it got me banned (Part III) (24 replies)
  69. SnadBoy's Revelation (0 replies)
  70. Testing / BruteForcing on a Mac - Macintosh - Apple (5 replies)
  71. Caecus 1.2 - the OCR function is not reading the security code image (3 replies)
  72. Z-leecher Version 1.0.3 release - General Discussion (16 replies)
  73. How do you get around sites which disable download managers (3 replies)
  74. anonymizer 2005 ? why does it screw up when surfing adult porn sites ? (2 replies)
  75. Help with ImageDownloader configuration ? Is there a tutorial ? (9 replies)
  76. How do I circumvent ' Right-click function disabled ' ? (13 replies)
  77. C-Force : when i try to use charon it says " enter the correct location for charon " (8 replies)
  78. A link to find out sites according to their theme and billing company (11 replies)
  79. Is it even possible to hack this SSL / https server site? (5 replies)
  80. Bigger & Faster Results using AccessDiver - how to run multiple copies simultaneously (19 replies)
  81. Spoofing software / programs to Spoof In Opera? (1 replies)
  82. siteripping shadowplayers.com (0 replies)
  83. keep your windows pc fresh, fast & troublefree (5 replies)
  84. Proxy time out problem speed accuracy testing proxies w/ AccessDiver timed out error (2 replies)
  85. paste URL w/ username:password get Internet Explorer error : Page Cannot Be Displayed (1 replies)
  86. anyone ever managed to crack sites like partyhardcore - combos like 9wQNxE8V:gzmZGKCr (16 replies)
  87. Wordlists - Where do you get your Combos from ? and do you use special combo lists ? (10 replies)
  88. tips on finding combos / passes with Google (17 replies)
  89. How to crack DRM movies ? (4 replies)
  90. sites like clip4sale.com - can they be cracked or spoofed ? (5 replies)
  91. exploitedteens has higher security -resolution: test it's sister sites to gain access (3 replies)
  92. Need to exploit so i can jack off to my fav site, but i'm clueless + Links/info/lube (6 replies)
  93. What are socks proxies??? SOCKS 4a or SOCKS 5 proxy ? (3 replies)
  94. Proxy Judge Problem ? Here's How to Find Proxyjudges - Faq - tutorial (3 replies)
  95. Proxy checking behind a firewall using Charon (Duplicate topic Part II) (21 replies)
  96. Smartass webmaster hid members url to consensualslave.com -can ne1 help me locate it? (5 replies)
  97. Please help me test this site that uses an 8 digit username and a 7 digit password (3 replies)
  98. Proxy checking behind a firewall using Charon (Duplicate topic Part I) (7 replies)
  99. Random Digit wordlist / combo list question (11 replies)
  100. Spoofing: what does REF = TAR mean ? What do I do with that ? (4 replies)
  101. AccessDiver proxy time out problem ! All of my proxies keep timing out ! (2 replies)
  102. Where can I download the proxy testing program Charon ? (0 replies)
  103. testing a form based login site with AccessDiver - getting fake logins ? (6 replies)
  104. AccessDiver 4.173 Autopilot Stalling? + hanging on last working proxy (2 replies)
  105. How do i get usernames and passwords myself ? (6 replies)
  106. Proxies dying too fast - using 200K wordlist on site w/ randomly generated passes (4 replies)
  107. What is DRM ? (1 replies)
  108. username password leeching programs to create word lists / combo list ? (5 replies)
  109. How can i remove DRM protection from video files ? (7 replies)
  110. no more zoliboy, pixandvideo, clubsandy, assholefever forever. (8 replies)
  111. All of a sudden i am having problems with testing proxies - C-Force " Spilled IP " (8 replies)
  112. StAPH combo leecher - small wordlist creation tutorial - tips / tricks / advice (11 replies)
  113. I need to update the FAQ, any suggestions / modfications ? (10 replies)
  114. Error "You are trying to use a node of the CoDeeN CDN Network ... " (3 replies)
  115. What is a proxyjudge and what do I need to know about them? (5 replies)
  116. AccessDiver cannot crack SSL sites ( i.e: with https in the url ) - what do i use ? (3 replies)
  117. C-Force says I have a hit but there's no combo! i.e.: http://:@www.site.com/members/ (2 replies)
  118. help testing site using basic authorisation combined with a session cookie & postdata (10 replies)
  119. how do i create a randomly generated wordlist like: wf4gT66u:9ikk6Y4F (6 replies)
  120. Is this site that uses verotel for billing crackable? (3 replies)
  121. Z-Leecher 1.00 Final released - General Discussion (19 replies)
  122. I want to make a wordlist - where can I get this StAPH program that leeches combos ? (2 replies)
  123. Form@ button to " Launch Charon " ? what is Charon ? (7 replies)
  124. How can I Convert Real Media Audio to WAV (CD) ? (4 replies)
  125. No hits? AccessDiver & 5.5MB wordlist on a site using verotel & a Form login with OCR (9 replies)
  126. c-force : what settings should i use? number of bots, amount of retries , etc ? (7 replies)
  127. site has a code with letters and sticks w/ the login ? - OCR security code workaround (52 replies)
  128. wordlists : how to leech / extract login:pass combos not in username:password@ format (28 replies)
  129. AccessDiver version 4.173 Discussion (5 replies)
  130. Can proxies log activity ? anonymous proxies really anonymous? my bank account hacked (7 replies)
  131. Confused about rule : leeching / only posting my own work (4 replies)
  132. C-Force debug folder : used url to wmv file to test and now have huge HIT_DEBUG files (7 replies)
  133. How do you find a wordlist ? where do you get the combo lists ? (3 replies)
  134. form / HTML based tutorial for testing with AccessDiver ? (4 replies)
  135. C-force Suggestions and Ideas for next update (27 replies)
  136. C-Force : " checking proxy xx.xxx.xx:xxx ". takes forever - why is it so slow ? (4 replies)
  137. Another example of how NOT to ask for help in DOSI (6 replies)
  138. Charon help when testing proxies i cannot see the anonymous level ! (9 replies)
  139. https hack ? How do I test https / SSL sites ? (7 replies)
  140. Another removing DRM tutorial (2 replies)
  141. Charon hangs if thread count set at 50 & I download or browse the web at same time (2 replies)
  142. Why is AccessDiver detecting Fakes on every single combo & proxy when I test a site ? (4 replies)
  143. How do you test form based login sites that require a double login (8 replies)
  144. my company blocked access to adult sites by webwasher even if using anonymous proxy . (10 replies)
  145. Spoofing : Is there a way to spoof with opera? (3 replies)
  146. Need some tips on using Charon + it's slow, how can I make it faster / speed it up (2 replies)
  147. how to surf anonymously ? is there a free program for surfing the web anonymously ? (2 replies)
  148. Why are these sites so hard? - combos - auto randomly generated combo - (7 replies)
  149. Need some Spoofing tips to Spoof with Firefox (4 replies)
  150. get too many 400's + information on anonymous proxies level : Proxy Levels explained (12 replies)
  151. What EXACTLY should I do with Charon and then AccessDiver ? (5 replies)
  152. Need help bruteforcing / testing sites using verotel : randomly generated combos (10 replies)
  153. Firefox : How to disable the "You are about to log into the site" dialog box (0 replies)
  154. Critical Firefox update disabled all of my plugins (9 replies)
  155. Comfortpay Billing Question about username password restrictions / format requirement (1 replies)
  156. wifeysworld banned my IP address, what do I do now? (2 replies)
  157. I am looking for a place to download c-force and wordlists (8 replies)
  158. Is there a program to extract all of the urls from an HTML page ? (4 replies)
  159. Bruteforcing on Linux : programs to Bruteforce using linux ? (4 replies)
  160. ProxyJudge Versions ? What are proxy judges and what do I need to know about them ? (8 replies)
  161. Internet Explorer cannot load addresses with the username and password in the URL ? (11 replies)
  162. I am having problems with Charon - is there an instruction manual or tutorial ? (2 replies)
  163. Keyword Thread to avoid Fakes ........Please add more (46 replies)
  164. Leeching Proxies in non-standard format (ie: in tables or not IPADDRESS:PORT Format ) (3 replies)
  165. Charon & firewalls Testing programs being blocked by software firewalls . (7 replies)
  166. Proxy Time Out Problem : my proxies keep timing out on me! (1 replies)
  167. My video files ask me for a username & password How do I Remove DRM Protection ? (4 replies)
  168. Testing for Dummies - Welcome newbies (28 replies)
  169. AccessDiver Redirs tab has good hits ? site.com/members/ going to site.com/members (2 replies)
  170. Spoofing : how can i find new spoofs on my own to contribute ? (3 replies)
  171. what are proxyjudges & how to get them? what do you with them + how to test proxies ? (10 replies)
  172. C-Force When loading combo file, the message window says " 0 combo loaded " (2 replies)
  173. i am testing a site but ProxyPass keeps blocking my tests (5 replies)
  174. Where do I get C-Force and is every membership site crackable with C-Force? (8 replies)
  175. I am getting a ton of fake weak logins, but they are all from the same proxy (5 replies)
  176. what is the best tool - program to download streaming media? (6 replies)
  177. Troubles due to windows xp? proxies time out, judges go bad (2 replies)
  178. Need An Opinion on which program i should use. AccessDiver or C-Force ? (4 replies)
  179. Exploiting : What programs to use? What should I read? Where can I get exploit lists? (7 replies)
  180. htpasswd passfiles showing up as 200 but there is nothing there (5 replies)
  181. searching for PROXIES proxy lists and LOGIN combo list wordlist -how do i find them ? (4 replies)
  182. I need help surfing the Internet Anonymously (10 replies)
  183. Bruteforce Tools Mezcal and More - some for windows Macintosh & Linux https SSL too (3 replies)
  184. Cannot download quicktime mov streaming videos (3 replies)
  185. when I enter the members URL c-force does not detect the user login security (3 replies)
  186. Links to sites that offer Hacking - Bruteforce - Testing - Proxy etc tools (1 replies)
  187. ATK problem all passes I get as good are actually bad - fake weak logins (10 replies)
  188. Form based site with 2 login requests ( double login multiple login ) (14 replies)
  189. Making a Wordlist For Penthouse - what types of combos do i use ? (7 replies)
  190. need a list of sites that redirect logins (16 replies)
  191. c-force "component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered (6 replies)
  192. want to start testing but dont know where to start. Advice on what tools to use etc ? (5 replies)
  193. AccessDiver Proxy & GET method (2 replies)
  194. Where can download AccessDiver including previous versions ? (4 replies)
  195. FYI: AccessDiver 4.172 error: "listindex out of bounds" (3 replies)
  196. Hacker Drm (1 replies)
  197. How to I test sites which require to login 2 times aka a double login site (3 replies)
  198. i would like to learn how to find my own spoofs . any suggestions? (3 replies)
  199. what program should i use to test a site on a Secure server ? https:// (2 replies)
  200. proxy question can someone please tell me how to use proxys ? - proxies (1 replies)
  201. Charon v0.5.3 released + download link (4 replies)
  202. trying to bruteforce / test several sites and i am having no success. why is that??! (1 replies)
  203. where can i find html form based tutorials for form@ and Caecus ? (3 replies)
  204. "Your IP address has been banned due to excessive failed logins" (4 replies)
  205. Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner - good exploiting tool (4 replies)
  206. how do i add custom combo wordlist filters in raptor ? ... (3 replies)
  207. How to escape / avoid getting fake replies when testing? (5 replies)
  208. New release of AccessDiver v.4.172 (10 replies)
  209. n00b question about proxy... how many proxies should i use ? (13 replies)
  210. form@ basic newbie n00b tutorial to get started ( and short discussion ) (10 replies)
  211. C-Force : red combo ? (2 replies)
  212. "Refresh the list to see if the login state has changed" in AccessDiver history list (4 replies)
  213. Spoofing : I want to learn how to Spoof and use Spoofs (1 replies)
  214. proxyjudge issues with Charon : internal and external proxy judges ? (3 replies)
  215. abnormal amount of timeouts again. Windows sp2 updates repatching (5 replies)
  216. c-force : trying to load wordlist but it says "0 combos loaded" (5 replies)
  217. i have a working username & password but when I test in AccessDiver it doesn't work! (5 replies)
  218. How do i filter wordlists for double entries / dupes /duplicate combos & remove them? (2 replies)
  219. Is there a tool / program to extract member URLs from a list without the combos? (8 replies)
  220. Which OCR sites can be tested with Caecus? (3 replies)
  221. accessdiver v4.171 out (18 replies)
  222. How come so many fake hits by C-Force? (4 replies)
  223. capturing hustler.com wmv streams - saving streaming video (13 replies)
  224. Cain & Abel v2.7.3 Usable i Find (10 replies)
  225. Link to Download Misc Tools for Cracking Hacking Bruteforcing etc. (6 replies)
  226. member's url ( when to use referring url settings during testing ) (5 replies)
  227. I want to download C-Force Where can I find it? (3 replies)
  228. get different results with the same lists when proxy checking with c-force & charon (4 replies)
  229. using 73,000 combos and I cannot get any hits? (11 replies)
  230. how do i find the members url of a site? (10 replies)
  231. Should I pay for an anonymous connection service? (3 replies)
  232. the combos do not work with the hits i got testing a Security code ocr site (2 replies)
  233. how to join or convert Apple QuickTime mov files?? (11 replies)
  234. when i use the username and password for a site, it redirects to the main index page? (5 replies)
  235. members page keeps looping back/reloading and never stops (7 replies)
  236. How to download an mms://something.com/file.wmv ( capturing streaming videos ) (6 replies)
  237. Screen Capture - Streaming Video Capture Software List (2 replies)
  238. shouild i use ccbill wordlists or niche specific combo lists? (3 replies)
  239. Goldeneye HTML form based login attack does not work: Connect icon is disabled (1 replies)
  240. Where do combo lists / wordlists that we use to test originally come from? (2 replies)
  241. can anyone suggest some form based sites for me to test? (2 replies)
  242. I am using a word list with 40,000 combos and not getting any hits (11 replies)
  243. testing / bruteforcing sites that use verotel (6 replies)
  244. JTR: john.exe - john the ripper being detected/classified as a virus ? (5 replies)
  245. 1by-day.com update hole. Get Porn from the Future! (6 replies)
  246. it's possible to circumvent OCR security on some sites with accessdiver ( examples ) (23 replies)
  247. flash-plugin used for webtracking. (2 replies)
  248. Charon: proxyjudge appears to be bad (3 replies)
  249. C-Force: keep getting the 403 error + skip proxy anonimity test explained (14 replies)
  250. maximize time by running multiple BF/proxy prog simultaneously w/o slowing connection (2 replies)