View Full Version : Security Discussion Archive
- Testing sites with OCR like this one : (8 replies)
- Charon v0.5.4 (+ update) + Triton v2.1 Released - General Discussion (20 replies)
- Spoofing : How to use Spoofs? what does t=r mean tar= ref= Spoof Question (4 replies)
- using a detected cracked combo, website says they are going to report me to my ISP ? (5 replies)
- Z-Leecher version 1.0.5 release - General Discussion (3 replies)
- Licence for DRM Protected WMA / WMV Video Files ? (6 replies)
- Gaining access to adult sites that use paypal as their billing processer ? (9 replies)
- What do you use to capture video that uses MMS Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) (8 replies)
- i don't want to learn or read - just want a pass to a site - BANNED! (20 replies)
- i want to jack off now, but I am not getting working passes / combos fast enough ! (5 replies)
- Spoofing : Discussion about using RefSpoof with FireFox 1.5.1 (5 replies)
- Color Climax (18 replies)
- Proxy question 4 experienced best program 2 use 4 proxies + where 2 download - manual (7 replies)
- Need help finding a good Bondage wordlist (edit by xpx578: a funny thread to read) (7 replies)
- Windows IE6 : cant load a url with user / pass username : password included in URL ? (1 replies)
- Quick tips for Quick help in DOSI (Using Common Sense) (5 replies)
- Wordlists Question : how to build the most accurate word list combolist / combolists (3 replies)
- What's this? (1 replies)
- Proxies : Proxy Testing doubts ... i am confused help me !!! (3 replies)
- Have you ever gotten any results using Triton ? (3 replies)
- This could have been a good thread but as he said about himself he's "sucha retard" (6 replies)
- C-Force Proxyjudge Problem - does not work with non standard Ports (4 replies)
- how do I download wmv files on MAC? Macintosh / Apple (4 replies)
- StAPH what steps to get good wordlist combos & why are CCBILL combo list STUPID? (14 replies)
- Wordlists / combolists : removing duplicate combos from my word lists ? (2 replies)
- PlanetLab Proxies - CoDeeN Proxy Filter List (1 replies)
- Tested sites and got hits, but the combos don't work - passwords not working ! (1 replies)
- can't install JTR - john the ripper installation problems (8 replies)
- While using an anonymizer - Members Sites kill my working pass right away -Why? (9 replies)
- Proxy List Question : How often should I recheck my proxies ? (7 replies)
- AccessDiver version 4.210 --> Problem using Azenv Scripts? (2 replies)
- What programs should i use for form based login sites ? (2 replies)
- I was eventually banned for the 6th time cuz i was just too goofy to be here at 3xhq (9 replies)
- Using Z-Leecher on this Forum - will I get in trouble ? (5 replies)
- Where can I find StAPH and athena tutorials ? (4 replies)
- Should I use anonymity software like ghostsurf to browse members sites anonymously ? (3 replies)
- Frustration with learning to test - testing / bruteforcing sites Discussion (13 replies)
- Charon : after testing about 10 proxies it just gives me timeouts for the rest (9 replies)
- I had some dupe combos in my list but some dupes were hits and others were not. why? (4 replies)
- Spoofing : What Spoof Software should i use with Firefox ? should i spoof w/a proxy ? (3 replies)
- Tired of the Proxy crisis? I posted 16,384 in the dump forum!! (14 replies)
- AccessDiver 4.190 unbundled version? (1 replies)
- Proxy Lists : Having trouble finding and keeping good proxies - any suggestions ? (6 replies)
- Accessing .htpasswd when .htaccess contains " Allow From < IP ADDRESS > ? (9 replies)
- Google free proxy! translate english to english to bypass local restrictions (2 replies)
- Can you recommend sites that are easy to test ? + what do i need to do to learn ? (4 replies)
- Answers to Proxy Questions from a confused n00b (4 replies)
- c-force testing list of multiple sites ? batch option ? (3 replies)
- HELP : APL and Proxyrama aren't working for me anymore ? (2 replies)
- C-Force and Lightspeed sites " No protection found " ? (6 replies)
- Why is the 250,000 combo wordlist missing from the dump forum ? (3 replies)
- Spoof Question : Help for spoofing with Safari on MAC / Macintosh / Apple (5 replies)
- C-Force / Proxy Judge : How to tell if proxyjudge works + load & find proxy-judges ? (5 replies)
- how do i catch / Capture / download quicktime Mov streaming video files? (8 replies)
- AccessDiver version 4.190 release - General Discussion (9 replies)
- ISP banning you for trying to hack because you did not use proxies? - Proxy (5 replies)
- StAPH - Athena - Combo Leeching - Question about " reposts " (7 replies)
- Renamed Thread: misconceptions about billing companies and site security (4 replies)
- AccessDiver v4.180 discussion and phoning home issues (14 replies)
- Spoofing : a window pops up that says "you are an idiot." (2 replies)
- AccessDiver returns FAKE weak logins when testing -OCR security code (2 replies)
- Proxy Question : Why is it getting harder to find and keep good proxies lately ? (5 replies)
- Questions about VirtualXS Billing company / VXS Bill (3 replies)
- Proxy Testing Question: Some proxies die fast - within minutes after they tested good (3 replies)
- c-force thinks basic auth (popup) is a form + Run-time error"7": Out of memory (15 replies)
- Proxy & wordlists : Exactly how many proxies and combos should I be using ? (7 replies)
- Sapphicerotica - - Discussion - No New topics - REPLY HERE ! (11 replies)
- I just wanted to make a request in DOSI and it got me banned (Part III) (24 replies)
- SnadBoy's Revelation (0 replies)
- Testing / BruteForcing on a Mac - Macintosh - Apple (5 replies)
- Caecus 1.2 - the OCR function is not reading the security code image (3 replies)
- Z-leecher Version 1.0.3 release - General Discussion (16 replies)
- How do you get around sites which disable download managers (3 replies)
- anonymizer 2005 ? why does it screw up when surfing adult porn sites ? (2 replies)
- Help with ImageDownloader configuration ? Is there a tutorial ? (9 replies)
- How do I circumvent ' Right-click function disabled ' ? (13 replies)
- C-Force : when i try to use charon it says " enter the correct location for charon " (8 replies)
- A link to find out sites according to their theme and billing company (11 replies)
- Is it even possible to hack this SSL / https server site? (5 replies)
- Bigger & Faster Results using AccessDiver - how to run multiple copies simultaneously (19 replies)
- Spoofing software / programs to Spoof In Opera? (1 replies)
- siteripping (0 replies)
- keep your windows pc fresh, fast & troublefree (5 replies)
- Proxy time out problem speed accuracy testing proxies w/ AccessDiver timed out error (2 replies)
- paste URL w/ username:password get Internet Explorer error : Page Cannot Be Displayed (1 replies)
- anyone ever managed to crack sites like partyhardcore - combos like 9wQNxE8V:gzmZGKCr (16 replies)
- Wordlists - Where do you get your Combos from ? and do you use special combo lists ? (10 replies)
- tips on finding combos / passes with Google (17 replies)
- How to crack DRM movies ? (4 replies)
- sites like - can they be cracked or spoofed ? (5 replies)
- exploitedteens has higher security -resolution: test it's sister sites to gain access (3 replies)
- Need to exploit so i can jack off to my fav site, but i'm clueless + Links/info/lube (6 replies)
- What are socks proxies??? SOCKS 4a or SOCKS 5 proxy ? (3 replies)
- Proxy Judge Problem ? Here's How to Find Proxyjudges - Faq - tutorial (3 replies)
- Proxy checking behind a firewall using Charon (Duplicate topic Part II) (21 replies)
- Smartass webmaster hid members url to -can ne1 help me locate it? (5 replies)
- Please help me test this site that uses an 8 digit username and a 7 digit password (3 replies)
- Proxy checking behind a firewall using Charon (Duplicate topic Part I) (7 replies)
- Random Digit wordlist / combo list question (11 replies)
- Spoofing: what does REF = TAR mean ? What do I do with that ? (4 replies)
- AccessDiver proxy time out problem ! All of my proxies keep timing out ! (2 replies)
- Where can I download the proxy testing program Charon ? (0 replies)
- testing a form based login site with AccessDiver - getting fake logins ? (6 replies)
- AccessDiver 4.173 Autopilot Stalling? + hanging on last working proxy (2 replies)
- How do i get usernames and passwords myself ? (6 replies)
- Proxies dying too fast - using 200K wordlist on site w/ randomly generated passes (4 replies)
- What is DRM ? (1 replies)
- username password leeching programs to create word lists / combo list ? (5 replies)
- How can i remove DRM protection from video files ? (7 replies)
- no more zoliboy, pixandvideo, clubsandy, assholefever forever. (8 replies)
- All of a sudden i am having problems with testing proxies - C-Force " Spilled IP " (8 replies)
- StAPH combo leecher - small wordlist creation tutorial - tips / tricks / advice (11 replies)
- I need to update the FAQ, any suggestions / modfications ? (10 replies)
- Error "You are trying to use a node of the CoDeeN CDN Network ... " (3 replies)
- What is a proxyjudge and what do I need to know about them? (5 replies)
- AccessDiver cannot crack SSL sites ( i.e: with https in the url ) - what do i use ? (3 replies)
- C-Force says I have a hit but there's no combo! i.e.: (2 replies)
- help testing site using basic authorisation combined with a session cookie & postdata (10 replies)
- how do i create a randomly generated wordlist like: wf4gT66u:9ikk6Y4F (6 replies)
- Is this site that uses verotel for billing crackable? (3 replies)
- Z-Leecher 1.00 Final released - General Discussion (19 replies)
- I want to make a wordlist - where can I get this StAPH program that leeches combos ? (2 replies)
- Form@ button to " Launch Charon " ? what is Charon ? (7 replies)
- How can I Convert Real Media Audio to WAV (CD) ? (4 replies)
- No hits? AccessDiver & 5.5MB wordlist on a site using verotel & a Form login with OCR (9 replies)
- c-force : what settings should i use? number of bots, amount of retries , etc ? (7 replies)
- site has a code with letters and sticks w/ the login ? - OCR security code workaround (52 replies)
- wordlists : how to leech / extract login:pass combos not in username:password@ format (28 replies)
- AccessDiver version 4.173 Discussion (5 replies)
- Can proxies log activity ? anonymous proxies really anonymous? my bank account hacked (7 replies)
- Confused about rule : leeching / only posting my own work (4 replies)
- C-Force debug folder : used url to wmv file to test and now have huge HIT_DEBUG files (7 replies)
- How do you find a wordlist ? where do you get the combo lists ? (3 replies)
- form / HTML based tutorial for testing with AccessDiver ? (4 replies)
- C-force Suggestions and Ideas for next update (27 replies)
- C-Force : " checking proxy ". takes forever - why is it so slow ? (4 replies)
- Another example of how NOT to ask for help in DOSI (6 replies)
- Charon help when testing proxies i cannot see the anonymous level ! (9 replies)
- https hack ? How do I test https / SSL sites ? (7 replies)
- Another removing DRM tutorial (2 replies)
- Charon hangs if thread count set at 50 & I download or browse the web at same time (2 replies)
- Why is AccessDiver detecting Fakes on every single combo & proxy when I test a site ? (4 replies)
- How do you test form based login sites that require a double login (8 replies)
- my company blocked access to adult sites by webwasher even if using anonymous proxy . (10 replies)
- Spoofing : Is there a way to spoof with opera? (3 replies)
- Need some tips on using Charon + it's slow, how can I make it faster / speed it up (2 replies)
- how to surf anonymously ? is there a free program for surfing the web anonymously ? (2 replies)
- Why are these sites so hard? - combos - auto randomly generated combo - (7 replies)
- Need some Spoofing tips to Spoof with Firefox (4 replies)
- get too many 400's + information on anonymous proxies level : Proxy Levels explained (12 replies)
- What EXACTLY should I do with Charon and then AccessDiver ? (5 replies)
- Need help bruteforcing / testing sites using verotel : randomly generated combos (10 replies)
- Firefox : How to disable the "You are about to log into the site" dialog box (0 replies)
- Critical Firefox update disabled all of my plugins (9 replies)
- Comfortpay Billing Question about username password restrictions / format requirement (1 replies)
- wifeysworld banned my IP address, what do I do now? (2 replies)
- I am looking for a place to download c-force and wordlists (8 replies)
- Is there a program to extract all of the urls from an HTML page ? (4 replies)
- Bruteforcing on Linux : programs to Bruteforce using linux ? (4 replies)
- ProxyJudge Versions ? What are proxy judges and what do I need to know about them ? (8 replies)
- Internet Explorer cannot load addresses with the username and password in the URL ? (11 replies)
- I am having problems with Charon - is there an instruction manual or tutorial ? (2 replies)
- Keyword Thread to avoid Fakes ........Please add more (46 replies)
- Leeching Proxies in non-standard format (ie: in tables or not IPADDRESS:PORT Format ) (3 replies)
- Charon & firewalls Testing programs being blocked by software firewalls . (7 replies)
- Proxy Time Out Problem : my proxies keep timing out on me! (1 replies)
- My video files ask me for a username & password How do I Remove DRM Protection ? (4 replies)
- Testing for Dummies - Welcome newbies (28 replies)
- AccessDiver Redirs tab has good hits ? going to (2 replies)
- Spoofing : how can i find new spoofs on my own to contribute ? (3 replies)
- what are proxyjudges & how to get them? what do you with them + how to test proxies ? (10 replies)
- C-Force When loading combo file, the message window says " 0 combo loaded " (2 replies)
- i am testing a site but ProxyPass keeps blocking my tests (5 replies)
- Where do I get C-Force and is every membership site crackable with C-Force? (8 replies)
- I am getting a ton of fake weak logins, but they are all from the same proxy (5 replies)
- what is the best tool - program to download streaming media? (6 replies)
- Troubles due to windows xp? proxies time out, judges go bad (2 replies)
- Need An Opinion on which program i should use. AccessDiver or C-Force ? (4 replies)
- Exploiting : What programs to use? What should I read? Where can I get exploit lists? (7 replies)
- htpasswd passfiles showing up as 200 but there is nothing there (5 replies)
- searching for PROXIES proxy lists and LOGIN combo list wordlist -how do i find them ? (4 replies)
- I need help surfing the Internet Anonymously (10 replies)
- Bruteforce Tools Mezcal and More - some for windows Macintosh & Linux https SSL too (3 replies)
- Cannot download quicktime mov streaming videos (3 replies)
- when I enter the members URL c-force does not detect the user login security (3 replies)
- Links to sites that offer Hacking - Bruteforce - Testing - Proxy etc tools (1 replies)
- ATK problem all passes I get as good are actually bad - fake weak logins (10 replies)
- Form based site with 2 login requests ( double login multiple login ) (14 replies)
- Making a Wordlist For Penthouse - what types of combos do i use ? (7 replies)
- need a list of sites that redirect logins (16 replies)
- c-force "component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered (6 replies)
- want to start testing but dont know where to start. Advice on what tools to use etc ? (5 replies)
- AccessDiver Proxy & GET method (2 replies)
- Where can download AccessDiver including previous versions ? (4 replies)
- FYI: AccessDiver 4.172 error: "listindex out of bounds" (3 replies)
- Hacker Drm (1 replies)
- How to I test sites which require to login 2 times aka a double login site (3 replies)
- i would like to learn how to find my own spoofs . any suggestions? (3 replies)
- what program should i use to test a site on a Secure server ? https:// (2 replies)
- proxy question can someone please tell me how to use proxys ? - proxies (1 replies)
- Charon v0.5.3 released + download link (4 replies)
- trying to bruteforce / test several sites and i am having no success. why is that??! (1 replies)
- where can i find html form based tutorials for form@ and Caecus ? (3 replies)
- "Your IP address has been banned due to excessive failed logins" (4 replies)
- Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner - good exploiting tool (4 replies)
- how do i add custom combo wordlist filters in raptor ? ... (3 replies)
- How to escape / avoid getting fake replies when testing? (5 replies)
- New release of AccessDiver v.4.172 (10 replies)
- n00b question about proxy... how many proxies should i use ? (13 replies)
- form@ basic newbie n00b tutorial to get started ( and short discussion ) (10 replies)
- C-Force : red combo ? (2 replies)
- "Refresh the list to see if the login state has changed" in AccessDiver history list (4 replies)
- Spoofing : I want to learn how to Spoof and use Spoofs (1 replies)
- proxyjudge issues with Charon : internal and external proxy judges ? (3 replies)
- abnormal amount of timeouts again. Windows sp2 updates repatching (5 replies)
- c-force : trying to load wordlist but it says "0 combos loaded" (5 replies)
- i have a working username & password but when I test in AccessDiver it doesn't work! (5 replies)
- How do i filter wordlists for double entries / dupes /duplicate combos & remove them? (2 replies)
- Is there a tool / program to extract member URLs from a list without the combos? (8 replies)
- Which OCR sites can be tested with Caecus? (3 replies)
- accessdiver v4.171 out (18 replies)
- How come so many fake hits by C-Force? (4 replies)
- capturing wmv streams - saving streaming video (13 replies)
- Cain & Abel v2.7.3 Usable i Find (10 replies)
- Link to Download Misc Tools for Cracking Hacking Bruteforcing etc. (6 replies)
- member's url ( when to use referring url settings during testing ) (5 replies)
- I want to download C-Force Where can I find it? (3 replies)
- get different results with the same lists when proxy checking with c-force & charon (4 replies)
- using 73,000 combos and I cannot get any hits? (11 replies)
- how do i find the members url of a site? (10 replies)
- Should I pay for an anonymous connection service? (3 replies)
- the combos do not work with the hits i got testing a Security code ocr site (2 replies)
- how to join or convert Apple QuickTime mov files?? (11 replies)
- when i use the username and password for a site, it redirects to the main index page? (5 replies)
- members page keeps looping back/reloading and never stops (7 replies)
- How to download an mms:// ( capturing streaming videos ) (6 replies)
- Screen Capture - Streaming Video Capture Software List (2 replies)
- shouild i use ccbill wordlists or niche specific combo lists? (3 replies)
- Goldeneye HTML form based login attack does not work: Connect icon is disabled (1 replies)
- Where do combo lists / wordlists that we use to test originally come from? (2 replies)
- can anyone suggest some form based sites for me to test? (2 replies)
- I am using a word list with 40,000 combos and not getting any hits (11 replies)
- testing / bruteforcing sites that use verotel (6 replies)
- JTR: john.exe - john the ripper being detected/classified as a virus ? (5 replies)
- update hole. Get Porn from the Future! (6 replies)
- it's possible to circumvent OCR security on some sites with accessdiver ( examples ) (23 replies)
- flash-plugin used for webtracking. (2 replies)
- Charon: proxyjudge appears to be bad (3 replies)
- C-Force: keep getting the 403 error + skip proxy anonimity test explained (14 replies)
- maximize time by running multiple BF/proxy prog simultaneously w/o slowing connection (2 replies)
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