View Full Version : Security Discussion Archive
- Need help with referrals
- Exploits Tutorial Part 1 .htacces/.htpasswd
- <<<Cracking Tutorial>>> How to test sites with AccessDiver
- suggestions on creating good word combo lists ?
- Tutorial for Form sites using HTML with AccessDiver?
- >>1st Form@ tutorial in polish <<
- Little Trick To use as a workaround when Right Click option is disabled
- Microsoft DRM - Digital Rights Management
- I need Email combolist !!!
- How to get clean ATK passes using success and failure keywords
- Sites like show up as ************** it's Banned ?
- Can some one teach me step by step how to test a site with AccessDiver?
- Spoofing : is it possible to Spoof PHP Session ID's ?
- silly people looking to download cmxploiter
- AccessDiver 4.161 Beta versions Discussion
- exploiting .htpasswd file can't access when "allow from<IP Address>" is in .htaccess
- Can't leech proxies unless in IPADDRESS:PORT format + failure keyword question
- Using AccessDiver 4.170 HTML against Form logins and information about form@
- tips for using "dead" passes with example sites
- TAMA:RuleZ and other custom combos?
- S-Leecher Z-Leecher question - having issues leeching from forums like xxxhq ?
- how to use proxies while browsing? and proxy chaining?
- wordlists question, Quickest way to strip combos from the urls?
- https: site... AccessDiver and Form@ do not work with SSL sites ! help!!!
- does anyone know how to crack a site which has form logins with access keys ?
- Questions about AccessDiver and checking proxies?
- ip banned after one failed try
- Getting Rid of Spyware / Adware / Trojans
- How to build ALSSCAN combo wordlist?
- How to access files in obscured locations.
- Alternative Wordlists trick for members sites with forums, using the forum usernames
- AccessDiver errors? proxy skipped, Error 10060, Bot task Off
- too many weak logins ( fake logins )
- site has multiple member urls based on billing co. was used to join. which do I use?
- How do I use failure keywords to avoid fakes?
- network problems with charon
- Proxy Question - How many proxies should I be using to test sites ?- READ THIS
- googling with charon
- Brute Force Vs Exploits Which is faster, safer, easier and higher chance to get pass?
- legalities of testing, exploiting etc? will proxy hunting cause my ISP to ban me?
- I am having proxy problems with AccessDiver due to my location !
- How can I see hidden directory listings?
- Any tips / tricks /suggestions on using Form@ for sites like flirt4free ?
- Geowhere vs AccessDiver (proxies)
- AccessDiver says i have a hit when it's not. How do I avoid Fake weak logins?
- Site rip in case of an html form login
- My network uses a Proxy to connect to the internet, but I want to use other proxies.
- DRM - General Discussion - DRM cracked ?
- need help for
- AccessDiver Proxy testing issue #200 received (#401 expected)
- failure keyword question. Do caps matter?
- Tutorial: Re-Indexing WMV Files ( corrupt files )
- success keywords to avoid Fake logins?
- AccessDiver says I have weak logins but they are FAKE replies
- when should you use "get" method for testing sites or proxies?
- Does connection speed influence testing proxies? what about timeout setting?
- anyone have luck with
- Charon and AccessDiver Proxy testing and leeching issues
- Proxy questions - Is is becoming harder to find them lately?
- me want get porn fast with AccessDiver you tell me how yes?
- Proxy Testing. AccessDiver & Charon. Different results (use keyword option in Charon)
- New version of Triton
- leeching proxy lists that are in tables instead of ipaddress:port format
- AccessDiver settings for Southern Charms? Help
- Is a proxy used automatically if I click combos in AccessDiver's Progression window?
- Some AccessDiver Questions about Fakes
- help with combos to test
- Is posting passes found using Athena or StAPH considered leeching?
- resfreshing weak logins in AccessDiver's history isn't working?
- searchable databases for members sites by billing company - ccbill and more!
- Need help with scanning for open ports for a specific proxy
- n00b question about .htaccess file
- Personal Security question. How do I hide who I am when testing sites?
- Question about Spoofing with cookies?
- can't locate members area of
- how do i search DOSI for a three letter keyword like "php"?
- How do I download - save streaming quicktime mov video movie files ?
- proxy lists in txt (text) format?
- LOGIN Types OCR? Form? Basic Auth/popup?
- workaround for sites with access key like
- How to leech combos for wordlist by category / niche ?
- weird proxy day and a question about idle proxies
- downloaded Caecus, but how do I start?
- how do i crack it kills my proxies - generated combos
- Testing Proxies but none are anon?
- NetTransport Streaming Help
- How to use Proxies for browsing, testing proxies, testing sites? (noob here)
- Is testable? it has OCR
- General questions and comments about form and OCR sites
- How to Test one Username with multiple Passwords? (and vice versa)
- Problems with streaming downloads : stops at about 90%
- Form@ ----- success / failure keywords
- installing own proxyjudge
- website with online proxy checker / tester?
- Sexkey combo generator? Brute Forcing Randomly generated combos?
- AccessDiver says I have a login, when I use it, it's a fake or blocked page
- Teach me the "Spoofs and Backdoors" tar ref etc
- AccessDiver says the URL is not protected?
- Help with Inet-cash site needed
- Form@ - Tutorial? General Questions
- Huge List of Programs for Downloading Streaming Media
- az enviroment judges
- Grooby sites security issue
- Is there a way to force Caecus to use bad Proxies like Form@ and AccessDiver?
- How do you test proxies against a site in AccessDiver?
- Caecus Discussion, Chat General Tips and Tricks
- Spoofing, How do you find the TAR and REF ?
- forbidden by proxypass ? fakes redirections settings ?
- Where can I download Form@ and a complete manual of all the features of AccessDiver
- Is quantum / proadult crackable or hackable? can it be tested / bruteforced ?
- is it better to use proxies from my country? and want to avoid honeypots
- What sites are the easiest to test / crack for a beginner?
- Hacking without proxies using accessdiver
- Form@...success/failure keywords - why not a list ?
- Need general advice on creating better combo wordlists
- odd cookie issue using AD/Form@ on form based site.
- AccessDiver Error Codes 400's 401's 403's etc?.. which should i receive?
- Should I learn more about AccessDiver before moving on to other programs
- trailing slash "/" ? Use or ?
- using 39 proxies getting all 400's and 403's
- have list of urls I want to re-test to see if the passes still work-how do I do this?
- log files.. how long should i keep them?
- Cleaning up wordlists with raptor? how do i set up filters
- Advice from a Newbie to other Newbie Testers To Get More Hits.
- charon/ares proxyjudge-question... getting different results with different judges
- exploit lists
- weak logins, not weak at all? fakes?
- Caecus OCR Form Type I,II,III,IV ?
- Short tutorial guide for testing sites with C-Force ....
- How to get yourself!!!
- C-Force is way too slow and also have a " FORCED PROXY TIMEOUT " problem
- Lots of port 80 gateways with an ?, read this
- Help with AccessDiver: Error #3 - Bot Task Off
- 84,179 combos and no hits. what is the combo format for this site?
- Licensed DRM WMV files, how to open?
- Can i crack those sites with C-Force OCR security code
- C-Force cannot load list of urls into the batch tab
- Links To Download Bruteforcing, Cracking , Spoofing , exploiting and Hacking Tools !
- web-based CGI proxies vs. anonymous REDIRECTOR that blocks referring urls?
- Problems with Fake replies
- Enter the secret word shown in the image below
- testing proxies but all that were tested are coming up non-anonymous / transparent
- Proxy testing software other than AccessDiver?
- I am using 1,600 proxies but not getting any results testing sites.
- c-force hangs on 'checking proxy x.x.x.x:80' then says no protection found (and more)
- getting alot of proxy skipped and errors. how do i test proxies against the site?
- C-force says "please update judgelist" what do i do?
- What really is the best way to build combo lists?
- Can't leech proxies with AccessDiver that are not in IP:PORT format
- problems testing sites that use ccbill, wordlist combo issues
- how do i test sites? and what about deluxepass?
- C-Force "bad server reply" keywords, proxies, and n00b tester discussion
- C-force error "No good proxy found".
- where can i find some proxyjudge's and how do i add them to charon ?
- c-force option "skip proxy anonimity test" ?
- Where can i download C-Force?
- maximize time by running multiple BF/proxy prog simultaneously w/o slowing connection
- C-Force: keep getting the 403 error + skip proxy anonimity test explained
- Charon: proxyjudge appears to be bad
- flash-plugin used for webtracking.
- it's possible to circumvent OCR security on some sites with accessdiver ( examples )
- update hole. Get Porn from the Future!
- JTR: john.exe - john the ripper being detected/classified as a virus ?
- testing / bruteforcing sites that use verotel
- I am using a word list with 40,000 combos and not getting any hits
- can anyone suggest some form based sites for me to test?
- Where do combo lists / wordlists that we use to test originally come from?
- Goldeneye HTML form based login attack does not work: Connect icon is disabled
- shouild i use ccbill wordlists or niche specific combo lists?
- Screen Capture - Streaming Video Capture Software List
- How to download an mms:// ( capturing streaming videos )
- members page keeps looping back/reloading and never stops
- when i use the username and password for a site, it redirects to the main index page?
- how to join or convert Apple QuickTime mov files??
- the combos do not work with the hits i got testing a Security code ocr site
- Should I pay for an anonymous connection service?
- how do i find the members url of a site?
- using 73,000 combos and I cannot get any hits?
- get different results with the same lists when proxy checking with c-force & charon
- I want to download C-Force Where can I find it?
- member's url ( when to use referring url settings during testing )
- Link to Download Misc Tools for Cracking Hacking Bruteforcing etc.
- Cain & Abel v2.7.3 Usable i Find
- capturing wmv streams - saving streaming video
- How come so many fake hits by C-Force?
- accessdiver v4.171 out
- Which OCR sites can be tested with Caecus?
- Is there a tool / program to extract member URLs from a list without the combos?
- How do i filter wordlists for double entries / dupes /duplicate combos & remove them?
- i have a working username & password but when I test in AccessDiver it doesn't work!
- c-force : trying to load wordlist but it says "0 combos loaded"
- abnormal amount of timeouts again. Windows sp2 updates repatching
- proxyjudge issues with Charon : internal and external proxy judges ?
- Spoofing : I want to learn how to Spoof and use Spoofs
- "Refresh the list to see if the login state has changed" in AccessDiver history list
- C-Force : red combo ?
- form@ basic newbie n00b tutorial to get started ( and short discussion )
- n00b question about proxy... how many proxies should i use ?
- New release of AccessDiver v.4.172
- How to escape / avoid getting fake replies when testing?
- how do i add custom combo wordlist filters in raptor ? ...
- Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner - good exploiting tool
- "Your IP address has been banned due to excessive failed logins"
- where can i find html form based tutorials for form@ and Caecus ?
- trying to bruteforce / test several sites and i am having no success. why is that??!
- Charon v0.5.3 released + download link
- proxy question can someone please tell me how to use proxys ? - proxies
- what program should i use to test a site on a Secure server ? https://
- i would like to learn how to find my own spoofs . any suggestions?
- How to I test sites which require to login 2 times aka a double login site
- Hacker Drm
- FYI: AccessDiver 4.172 error: "listindex out of bounds"
- Where can download AccessDiver including previous versions ?
- AccessDiver Proxy & GET method
- want to start testing but dont know where to start. Advice on what tools to use etc ?
- c-force "component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered
- need a list of sites that redirect logins
- Making a Wordlist For Penthouse - what types of combos do i use ?
- Form based site with 2 login requests ( double login multiple login )
- ATK problem all passes I get as good are actually bad - fake weak logins
- Links to sites that offer Hacking - Bruteforce - Testing - Proxy etc tools
- when I enter the members URL c-force does not detect the user login security
- Cannot download quicktime mov streaming videos
- Bruteforce Tools Mezcal and More - some for windows Macintosh & Linux https SSL too
- I need help surfing the Internet Anonymously
- searching for PROXIES proxy lists and LOGIN combo list wordlist -how do i find them ?
- htpasswd passfiles showing up as 200 but there is nothing there
- Exploiting : What programs to use? What should I read? Where can I get exploit lists?
- Need An Opinion on which program i should use. AccessDiver or C-Force ?
- Troubles due to windows xp? proxies time out, judges go bad
- what is the best tool - program to download streaming media?
- I am getting a ton of fake weak logins, but they are all from the same proxy
- Where do I get C-Force and is every membership site crackable with C-Force?
- i am testing a site but ProxyPass keeps blocking my tests
- C-Force When loading combo file, the message window says " 0 combo loaded "
- what are proxyjudges & how to get them? what do you with them + how to test proxies ?
- Spoofing : how can i find new spoofs on my own to contribute ?
- AccessDiver Redirs tab has good hits ? going to
- Testing for Dummies - Welcome newbies
- My video files ask me for a username & password How do I Remove DRM Protection ?
- Proxy Time Out Problem : my proxies keep timing out on me!
- Charon & firewalls Testing programs being blocked by software firewalls .
- Leeching Proxies in non-standard format (ie: in tables or not IPADDRESS:PORT Format )
- Keyword Thread to avoid Fakes ........Please add more
- I am having problems with Charon - is there an instruction manual or tutorial ?
- Internet Explorer cannot load addresses with the username and password in the URL ?
- ProxyJudge Versions ? What are proxy judges and what do I need to know about them ?
- Bruteforcing on Linux : programs to Bruteforce using linux ?
- Is there a program to extract all of the urls from an HTML page ?
- I am looking for a place to download c-force and wordlists
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